Years ago I went to see the Disney movie “Frozen” not once, but twice (different cities, different grandkids). In the Disney tradition it is a great movie with princesses, heroes, and villains. There is one scene in the movie in which Princess Anna* is near freezing and must get close to the fire to get warm, but she needs help to get there. A magical snowman, Olaf*, starts the fire and helps her move near the flames. Anna tells Olaf to move away because the heat will cause him to melt. In response Olaf the snowman makes this statement:
“Some people are worth melting for”…..
As I thought about that line I could not help but think how many people have “melted” for me and our family over the years. I will always be grateful to them for that. Perhaps if we all would “melt” for others…even if they weren’t “worth melting for”… we could make a difference. You know this concept isn’t new…..Jesus said it this way, “No greater love has any person than to give their very own life for someone else”. And then He did.
*Frozen, Princess Anna and Olaf are registered by The Disney Corporation.
One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. – Proverbs 18:24 (NIV)
ACTION ITEM –> List the people who have “melted” for you. Now write them a thank you note or give them a call.