Moments with Miller

In my book, The Four Cornerstones and the Capstone, I included a section that has short (very short) stories about life and leadership. 52 of them. One for each week in a year. Some are personal, meaning they really came from my life story. Others are from others and came from their life stories.

I added a verse of scripture to lend some time-tested credibility to the stories and then challenged you, the reader, to noodle on what you read and, if needed, take action. IMHO if you take that challenge you will find your day enriched. Maybe more than just a day. Maybe life-changing? That’s up to you.

I’ve taken those stories and placed them here for you. Take a moment with me each week and see what a difference you can make in our world by becoming a different you.

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For me it was on “Blue Baby”. For the cowboy in this picture it’s on his horse. Where was it for you? In the sandbox? Reading under the covers at night with a flashlight after bedtime? Swinging on the monkey bars in the park? Falling asleep on the floor by your dog?...

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There’s almost always MORE

How many faces do you see in this picture? Can you tell who might be angry? Happy? How many are sad? Is it cold? What is that laying on the ground to the side of the tree? Is the tree dead or simply dormant? I can’t answer all of those questions with absolute...

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The old phrase, “to have one’s ears pinned back”, refers to a horse’s mental state. Normally, a horse will hold its ears erect and alert. But when frightened or angry, the horse will put its ears back against its head. It’s best to pay attention to this overt signal!...

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Take the Next Step

Elevate your leadership skills and enhance your organization’s performance with David Miller at Cornerstone Executives.